Week Ahead, Apple Mac OS X New Exhibition

CALIFORNIA - Apple CEO Steve Jobs will leave off the pain to open developer conference (WWDC) in San Francisco next week. On this occasion, Jobs reportedly going to release a new operating system for Macs, Lion.

"Steve Jobs and several Apple executives will open WWDC next week," Apple said in a statement quoted by the Telegraph on Wednesday (01/06/2011).

The plan, Jobs will deliver a major speech (keynote speech) before introducing a new development from Apple, including the operating system Mac OS X output of the eighth or version 10.2.

Not only that, Apple also plans to release a new version of mobile operating system for the iPhone and iPad, the IOS 5.

Jobs submitted sick leave since January 2011 in order to concentrate on treating pancreatic cancer dideritaya. Male 56 years had pancreatic cancer surgery in 2004 and received a liver transplant in 2009.

But until now Apple has not provided the latest details about Jobs health condition.

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