There Komodo Similar Got Finger Man In Central Java

BLORA-Sitimulyo Villagers, District Cepu, Blora, Central Java, a sudden uproar after one of its citizens find legged lizards are similar to the human wrist.

Rare and unusual incident was immediately spread from mouth to mouth until out Blora. Residents continued to arrive to see and capture this strange lizards up close.

At first glance there are no irregularities in the lizard's body found in Sudarno (39), resident RT 05/10, Sitimulyo, Cepu, this. However, if observed, the legged lizard-like human wrists. The size is small like a baby's hand.

Sudarno pleaded not accidentally receive the male iguana from a friend who used to hunt in the Forest Klagen, Kedungtuban. When going to slaughter, the man who daily sell satay iguana just realized that there are strange in the second pair of legs lizards.

Over the years dealing with these reptiles, Sudarno new claim form to find the ankles like that. Finger on foot iguana that long nails.

Peculiarities found in animals that have 120 centimeters long and weighs over 25 pounds, it was nevertheless Sudarno kill it. He said they were afraid something would happen even though he did not get a hunch or a dream before.

Sudarno intend to maintain this strange lizard by feeding frogs. He also will not sell to anyone.

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