"Wow! There Condoms For Weak lust"

After attending the beer Viagra, herb plants erections for impotent men now present again in other forms that are equally unique. Impotence drug that will be used to coat a special condom that can arouse penis lackluster. Special Condoms will be made ​​and marketed by the largest companies in the world of Durex. Process antiimpotensi permission to bring drugs in condoms is now managed and is expected late this year can be sold freely in the market.
Compared Viagra (Sildenafil) to be redeemed by prescription, condoms are more practical. Men who do not want to get caught impotent does not need to come to the doctor tersebih advance to obtain the drug, simply come to the pharmacy and buy condoms.
Layers of drugs on this condom contains a gel which vasodilatator, ie drugs to dilate blood vessels. Widened blood vessels in the penis, increasing blood flow smoothly which will help the process of erection in the male impotence and premature ejaculation sufferers.
Not sure what kind of vasodilatator that will be used, but certainly not the real Viagra. Even so, the efficacy is claimed is not only desired by Viagra blood circulation in the penis by inhibiting PDE-5 enzyme. Laboratories that holds the patent for the design of these unique condom, Futura Medical PLC care center orbit permits in Europe and is expected to finish mid-2011. If there is no impediment, the end of this year's bright green condoms have started to be marketed. "This gives 2 benefits of condoms, which prevent transmission of genital infections and overcoming erection problems in men impotent, Reveals Futura Medical PLC director, James Barder, as quoted by FoxNews, Friday

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